How to have an Awesome 2023 Pt 3 - Optimal Exercise

Jan 25, 2023

I'm going to tell you today how to overcome the TWO biggest obstacles to exercise that I see.

Lack of time.
And lack of knowledge / confidence

Whilst everyone knows how important exercise is we all have obstacles that get in our way. If you are a busy working parent then you have one of the biggest obstacles.

In the same breath, you have one of the biggest motivators in that other people are relying on you to both provide and to set an example.

As such you have to FIND the time. "But I told you I don't have time!" And maybe you've got triplets with colic, an ill partner, parent and parakeet (in which case stop reading this and deal with the bigger issues in your life) and maybe now isn't the right time.

But if you've been saying that for years then maybe it's time to question the excuses rather than me? You need to make the best use of the time that you do have. Maybe this is an issue with your expectations around the time and effort needed, rather than just starting with what you have.

There is ALWAYS a solution to a problem. (Google - "Runner completes 50km inside hotel room during quarantine") or speak to my client who had no one to watch her children whilst she swam so bought a dingy and pulled them.

And don't say you don't live near the sea ...

Just start. Walk. Jog. Take the stairs. Get on the cross-trainer. Just do something and stop waiting for the right time to start.

The previous statement (look up 1 line) covers what to do with lack of knowledge and yes a perfect plan would be nice, but for most it's another mindset piece that's blocking their way.

The gym confidence piece I fully understand as it can feel an intimidating environment. So list out your fears now:

People will look at me / laugh at me / judge me.

How many times has that DEFINITELY happened? People do tend to look at people so that one can't be helped and you don't know if someone is looking at you, through you or thinking about any number of things.

How much of this is reality and how much is in your head? In my VAST gym experience this is created in your mind. Once you recognise this, challenge it and act anyway, soon enough it melts away.

So start small. Go for a jog or walk. Sit on an exercise bike. Do something you can't get wrong (I challenge you to sit on an exercise bike the wrong way...) soon you'll feel much more confident, in control and willing to do more.

If you'd like more tips and tactics to tackle your exercise in 2023 click the link below to listen to our podcast on the subject.

#147 How to have an Awesome 2023 Pt 3 - Optimal Exercise